Pattern Overview

Components and options for laying out your Cupcake project, including wrapping containers, a powerful grid system, a flexible media object, and responsive utility classes.


Containers are the most basic layout element in Cupcake and are required when using our default grid system. Choose from a responsive, fixed-width container (meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint) or fluid-width (meaning it’s 100% wide all the time).

The default container class - .c-container - is fluid-width. This will fill 100% of available width.

<div class="c-container">
  <div class="c-row">

Using the class - .c-container-fixed - will give you a responsive container that has a fixed width. The width is responsive and will change based on the breakpoint.

Note: You need to resize your screen to see the below.

<div class="c-container-fixed">
  <div class="c-row">

Container breakpoints

Screen Width Min Width: 576px Min Width: 768px Min Width: 992px Min Width: 1200px
Container Max Width 540px 720px 960px 1140px

Responsive breakpoints

XS < 576px SM ≥ 576px MD ≥ 768px LG ≥ 992px XL ≥ 1200px
Class prefix .c-col- .c-col-sm- .c-col-md- .c-col-lg- .c-col-xl-