
Loader animations are used to indicate a transitional state where content is in the process of loading.

Application loader

<div class="c-card">
  <div class="c-card-content c-m-top-lg c-m-bottom-lg c-full-page-loader-logo">

Content Loader

<div class="c-full-page-loader"></div>

Skeleton Loaders

<div class="c-card">
    <div class="c-card-content">
      <div class="c-skeleton-loading"></div>
      <hr class="c-hr">
      <div class="c-skeleton-loading"></div>

Basic Loader

IHS Markit Loader


Placement & Behaviour

All loaders sit vertically and horizontally centered in a container. The animation repeats indeterminately until the relevant content is loaded, at which point it is replaced.

Best Practices

  • Do not scale the animation icon

  • Always centre the icon in the container

  • Use loader icons only on white or light grey backgrounds

  • Do not combine the loader icon with text

Types & Usage

Type Usage
Application loader Used on initial application load ie. when a user signs into their account or a page is shared with an external party
Content Loader Used when loading all content within the content area of a page or a container, usually when navigating within the same application
Skeleton Loader Used when loading smaller repeat pieces of content, like lists or table data


An application loader displays while an application loads

A content loader displays while the contents of a container loads

Multiple content loaders display in cards while each cards’s content loads in isolation

Use of a skeleton loader indicates that list-based information will load into this card

A skeleton loader is recommended for use as a loader that precludes table content