
Use border utilities to quickly style the border and border-radius of an element. Great for images, buttons, or any other element.

Display Properties

Single purpose classes for setting the display of an element at any breakpoint.

The display property defines box’s display type, which consists of the two basic qualities of how an element generates boxes: the inner display type, which defines the kind of formatting context it generates, dictating how its descendant boxes are laid out. the outer display type, which dictates how the box participates in its parent formatting context. - css3 Display Module Spec.

Display Block

Block will inherently set width to 100% of its parent element. It will also cause a line break, even if the declared width doesn’t take up the full width of the parent.

<span class="c-d-block">c-d-block</span>

Display Inline Block

Inline-block will wrap around content inline. It also allows you to set height and width properties on the element, which display inline does not allow you to do. It does render the white-space between elements, so if you set width: 25% to four elements they will not just render as a 4 column layout by default.

c-d-inline-block c-d-inline-block c-d-inline-block c-d-inline-block
<span class="c-d-inline-block">c-d-inline-block</span>
<span class="c-d-inline-block">c-d-inline-block</span>
<span class="c-d-inline-block">c-d-inline-block</span>
<span class="c-d-inline-block">c-d-inline-block</span>

Display Inline

Inline doesn’t respect height or width values. It does not render white space between elements.

c-d-inline c-d-inline c-d-inline c-d-inline
<span class="c-d-inline">c-d-inline</span>
<span class="c-d-inline">c-d-inline</span>
<span class="c-d-inline">c-d-inline</span>
<span class="c-d-inline">c-d-inline</span>

Display Table

The display table can be combined with display table-cell to render a table without table markup. This can be useful for vertically aligning content or for auto-calculating a variable number of table cells.

display table will automatically compute cell width
<div class="c-d-table">
  <span class="c-d-table-cell">display</span>
  <span class="c-d-table-cell">table</span>
  <span class="c-d-table-cell">will automatically</span>
  <span class="c-d-table-cell">compute cell width</span>


Display utility classes that apply to all breakpoints, from sm to xl, have no breakpoint abbreviation in them. These classes start with a min-width: 0;. The remaining breakpoints, however, do include a breakpoint abbreviation.

This approach is adapted from Tachyons, Foundation 6 and Bootstrap 4.

As such, the classes are named using the format:

  • .c-d-{value} for xs
  • .c-{breakpoint}-d-{value} for sm, md, lg, and xl.

Supported display values are -

  • none
  • inline
  • inline-block
  • block
  • table
  • table-cell
  • table-row
  • flex
  • inline-flex

The classes effect screen widths within the given breakpoint or larger.

For example, .c-lg-d-none sets display: none; on both lg and xl screens.

Hiding Elements

To hide elements simply use the .c-d-none class or one of the .c-{sm,md,lg,xl}-d-none classes for any responsive screen variation.

Screen Size Class
Hidden on all .c-d-none
Hidden only on xs .c-d-none .c-sm-d-block
Hidden only on sm .c-sm-d-none .c-md-d-block
Hidden only on md .c-md-d-none .c-lg-d-block
Hidden only on lg .c-lg-d-none .c-xl-d-block
Hidden only on xl .c-xl-d-none

Showing Elements

To show an element only on a given interval of screen sizes you can combine one .c-*-d-none class with a .c-*-d-* class, for example .c-d-none .c-md-d-block .c-xl-d-none will hide the element for all screen sizes except on medium and large devices.

Screen Size Class
Visible on all .c-d-block
Visible only on xs .c-d-block .c-sm-d-none
Visible only on sm .c-d-none .c-sm-d-block .c-md-d-none
Visible only on md .c-d-none .c-md-d-block .c-lg-d-none
Visible only on lg .c-d-none .c-lg-d-block .c-xl-d-none
Visible only on xl .c-d-none .c-xl-d-block