
Recommendations to create effective visualizations within Ipreo products

Before you start

A complete understanding of the data you have is crucial before building visualizations. Referring to this guide will help you transform your data and apply appropriate branding properties according to Ipreo Brand Guidelines. Knowing your Audience Lean in to the perspective of your audience or more specifically: their persona. What do they already know and what new information do you want them to learn from your visualizations? The foundation of a good visualization are clear objectives!

Story Telling

The purpose of visualizations are to tell a story with data so think of the critical points you are trying to emphasize. What supporting information does it require? Do you want to compare information or show trend over time? Note the assumptions you’re making on the user’s part and define the purpose of your story.

Context at first glance

A common misconception with data visualization is the assumption the audience knows too much. If you adhere to the following guidelines you can ensure your visualization can be understood at least at a high level:

  • Title all vsiualizations
  • Properly label all axes
  • Use the same units throughout
  • Do NOT overload data- use whitespace!

Sketches and Prototyping

Before going through the examples, it may be beneficial to sketch out ideas with pen and paper. Defining different ways to tell your story will help land on the best visualization. From there, simple prototyping with software

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