Action Panel

Action panels are semi-interruptive panels that provide additional functionality or display supplementary content in the context of the user's current screen.


The default Action Panel is anchored to the left, spans the height of the screen, and not visible by default.

<div class="c-action-panel"></div>

Visibility can be toggled with with the class .c-action-panel-visible

<div class="c-action-panel c-action-panel-visible"></div>

Adding Content

There a various supported layouts for adding a content to the action panel.

Adding the header and body section

Simple Header
<button class="c-btn c-btn-secondary" id="actionPanelHeader-trigger">Toggle Header Example</button>

<div class="c-action-panel">
  <header class="c-action-panel-header">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-title">
      Simple Header
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu">
      <a class="c-action-panel-close"></a>

  <div class="c-action-panel-body">
Simple Header
Any content can go here

Complex header and tabs in body

Additionally we can have a more complex header and add tab actions to the body.

Action Panel Title
Action Panel Subtitle
<button class="c-btn c-btn-secondary" id="actionPanelHeaderComplex-trigger">Toggle Complex Header Example</button>

<div class="c-action-panel">
  <header class="c-action-panel-header">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-title">
      Action Panel Title
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-subtitle">
      Action Panel Subtitle
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu">
      <a class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon" href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-expand" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <a class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon" href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>

  <div class="c-action-panel-body">
    <ul class="c-tabs c-tabs-fullwidth c-bg-white">
      <li class="c-tab-item">
        <a class="c-tab-item-link" href="#">Tab A</a>
      <li class="c-tab-item">
        <a class="c-tab-item-link c-tab-item-link-active" href="#">Tab B</a>
      <li class="c-tab-item">
        <a class="c-tab-item-link" href="#">Tab C</a>
      <li class="c-tab-item">
        <a class="c-tab-item-link c-tab-item-link-disabled" href="#">Tab D</a>

Action Panel Title
Action Panel Subtitle


Additionally we can add a footer with multiple alignment options.

Action Panel Large Title
Action Panel Large Subtitle
<button class="c-btn c-btn-secondary" id="actionPanelFooter-trigger">Toggle Footer Example</button>

<div class="c-action-panel">
  <header class="c-action-panel-header">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-title">
      Action Panel Large Title
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-subtitle">
      Action Panel Large Subtitle
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu">
      <a class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon" href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon">
        <a class="c-action-panel-close"></a>


  <div class="c-action-panel-body">


  <footer class="c-action-panel-footer">
    <div class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-item-left">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn-primary">Button</button>
    <a class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-link c-action-panel-footer-item-center" href="#">
      Footer Link
    <div class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-item-right">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn-primary">Button</button>
Action Panel Large Title
Action Panel Large Subtitle

Larger Size

Action Panel Large Title
Action Panel Large Subtitle
<button class="c-btn c-btn-secondary" id="actionPanelLarge-trigger">Toggle Large</button>

<div class="c-action-panel c-action-panel-lg">
  <header class="c-action-panel-header">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-title">
      Action Panel Large Title
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-subtitle">
      Action Panel Large Subtitle
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu">
      <a class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon" href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu-icon">
        <a class="c-action-panel-close"></a>


  <div class="c-action-panel-body">


  <footer class="c-action-panel-footer">
    <div class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-item-left">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn-primary">Button</button>
    <a class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-link c-action-panel-footer-item-center" href="#">
      Footer Link
    <div class="c-action-panel-footer-item c-action-panel-footer-item-right">
      <button class="c-btn c-btn-primary">Button</button>
Action Panel Large Title
Action Panel Large Subtitle

Notifications Example

Notification Content
Notification Content
This Notification is read
Notification Content
<button class="c-btn c-btn-secondary" id="actionPanelNotifications-trigger">Toggle Notifications</button>

<div class="c-action-panel c-notifications">
  <header class="c-action-panel-header">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-title">
    <div class="c-action-panel-header-menu">
      <a class="c-btn c-btn-icon-secondary c-btn-icon" href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i>

  <div class="c-action-panel-body">
    <div class="c-media-list c-media-list-hover">
      <div class="c-media c-media-middle">
        <div class="c-avatar c-avatar-lg c-avatar-cyan">
          <i class="fab fa-dropbox"></i>
        <div class="c-media-body">
          <div class="c-text-md">Notification Content</div>
          <div class="c-text-sm c-text-bold">Name/App</div>
      <div class="c-media c-media-middle">
        <div class="c-avatar c-avatar-lg c-avatar-lime">
          <i class="fab fa-apple"></i>
        <div class="c-media-body">
          <div class="c-text-md">Notification Content</div>
          <div class="c-text-sm c-text-bold">Name/App</div>
      <div class="c-media c-media-middle c-media-read">
        <div class="c-avatar c-avatar-lg c-avatar-orange">
          <i class="fab fa-amazon"></i>
        <div class="c-media-body">
          <div class="c-text-md">This Notification is read</div>
          <div class="c-text-sm c-text-bold">Name/App</div>
      <div class="c-media c-media-middle">
        <div class="c-avatar c-avatar-lg c-avatar-grape">
          <i class="fab fa-xbox"></i>
        <div class="c-media-body">
          <div class="c-text-md">Notification Content</div>
          <div class="c-text-sm c-text-bold">Name/App</div>

Notification Content
Notification Content
This Notification is read
Notification Content

With Backdrop

Action Panel Header


The same action panel can be used within the UI and not offscreen. This requires the parent class .c-wrapper to enclose all of your content and .c-action-panel-push to control the panel.

You can also use c-action-panel-left in this scenario.

Play with a demo example here.

Storybook iframe



Action panels can be implemented where users need to access additional functionality or information without interrupting their current workflow.


An action panel is composed of a:

  • open control

  • panel (container)

  • close button (close control)

  • Behaviour

  • Action panels slide in from the left or right edge of the browser when triggered via an open control, and closed via a close button.

The action panel can exist on two planes:

  • A layer above the screen content ie. sliding over and obscuring a part of the content. This is the default option.

  • The same layer as the screen content ie. it will push the content to the side to make space on the screen

Type Plane Focus Defining Behavior
Default Above screen Supplementary Open using trigger and close using close button. Can interact with content on screen.
Elastic Same as screen Supplementary Open using trigger and close using close button. Can interact with content on screen.
Overlay Above screen Primary Open using trigger and close using close button or clicking on the screen overlay. Cannot interact with content on screen.

Default Action Panel

Elastic Action Panel

Overlay Action Panel


All action panels will have a header, close button and content area. Additional options are:

  • Additional controls in the header

  • Tabs

  • Footer with controls


The action panel has two states:

  • open

  • closed

Combined with…

Action panels can be combined with various controls and components depending on the use case and requirements.

Best practices

  • An action panel should not overlap controls or information required in the workflow that it supports

  • The controls and information in an action panel should be immediately relevant and supportive of the visible screen and active workflow of the user

  • The action panel should ideally take up as little screen real estate as is possible to get the job done

  • Action panels are by default supplementary and contents should be designed with this in mind. In the case of the overlay action panel it is the primary focus.


The overlay action panel is used to access contact details

The default action panel is used as a Notifications panel

The elastic action panel is used as a Deal Summary panel on the Sales Platform